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Welcome! These are the pages currently available on this node:

About ConflictWatch

About Conflict Watch A companion site to Indywatch.org, Conflict Watch monitors global conflicts.

ConflictWatch - Conflict Watch

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Be sure to leave a short note with your link, so it stands out. You could also just leave a note here if need be. It might take a little while to respond, for an emergency you might want to check the domain whois for an email address.
Some things to keep in mind when adding sources:
  • Independence criteria: Links should be from an independent source, not backed/funded by, or aligned to any government, large npo/think tank/corporation/religion etc. We might relax this a bit if it's really unique and interesting, but not much. (excluding policestatenews)
  • MUST NOT encourage violence: Any source found to be advocating violence or violent crime will be removed.
  • NO 'cash for comment' articles/paid links: Warning! If you manage to insert a misleading or unethical promotion in to the Indywatch archives, you are quite likely to receive a severe unnatural link penalty against your website/product and beg us to remove it, which we won't. If an Indywatch link causes any sort of unnatural penalty and it is not related to deceptive marketing, please notify Google and drop a note about it here.
  • RSS feed if possible: It is easy to add a rss feed into the site. A rss feed url makes a great suggestion.
  • A few more no please: No please for spammy sites, pornography, trackers, pro Cthulu propaganda, watch salespeople.

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